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In 2018 UUFSU became a “covenanting” congregation with the UUA.  Our Board of Trustees developed By-laws, filed for 501c(3) statues and defined the UU orientation program, budget and membership process. As of March, 2019 there are 33 initial members and many “friends”. The fellowship annually invites a visiting minister and bases lay-led programs on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. Outside speakers and musicians also provide for inspirational programs.


UUFSU is a participating member of the Interfaith Council in St. George, Utah. Working with other progressive religious communities has led to development of an action-oriented organization, Progressive Interfaith Communities of Southern Utah.  The organization seeks to combine ideas and energies to focus on environmental concerns, women’s issues and the unhoused in Southern Utah


We have an ongoing relationship with Switchpoint a community resource center for the unhoused. UUFSU members and friends volunteer their time and resources to support the center that changes peoples lives every day.  We also offer the opportunity to learn about non-profit organizations in the community so that we can individually choose to support or volunteer. In the past some of the presenting organizations included Habitat for Humanity, Big Brother Big Sister, Utah Food Bank and Memory Matters of Utah. 

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southwest Utah |  P.O. Box 3142 |  St. George, UT 84771 |  (435) 414-1230

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